March 11, 2009

5 AM Reflections

-Why does a child always sneak into my bed, snuggle down in the covers and fall asleep, all before barfing all over everyone and everything in a 5-feet radius?
-Which is the better job: changing the bed, blankets and throwing a load in the washer OR stripping and bathing a crying post-puke child, trying to keep her quiet so the baby won't wake up?
-Do you go back to sleep at 5:45 AM for just an hour and a half, or just forget it and stay up?
-Is shaking the barf bits from my sheets in the dark on my deck, all while in my undies of course, obscene, risque or just pathetic?
-How early is too early for an early bedtime for barfers and whiners?

My current perfume, a gift from Jay, is Calvin Klein's Euphoria. Because, as you know, my life is utterly euphoric. Jay knows me so well.

March 7, 2009

A Good Day

Shopping with a good friend,
Lunch at a favorite spot,
Beautiful 72 degree weather,
Sunny skies,
Joyful offspring,
A nap,
Yard play with kiddies in the sun,
Chocolate chip pancakes for dinnner,
Batheing my babes--all in the tub together,
Snuggles, giggles, big hugs and slobbery kisses.

I want to take a deep breath, drink it all in and keep it close. Wishing to stop time's march won't keep them small forever, but I'll keep wishing all the same.