October 6, 2008

My Greatest Blessings

After being chastened by the counsel in General Conference on gratitude and nagged by Jay to post more pictures, here's my greatest blessings.


My best friend, my supporter, my expert back-scratcher. Jay is a hard worker and a great dad. He always helps me out with the kids and loves playing with them. With all three newborns, Jay got up at every cry to bring me the baby and then would put he/she/it back in bed after feeding. He laughs at my jokes and even thinks I'm beautiful. What a catch!


My first-born and initial experiment in this motherhood thing. Parker is too much like me, tender-hearted and sensitive. He's a good helper and adores Spencer, his "little buddy." He loves to learn and is excited by trying new things.


Miss Sassafras is my princess. She's strong, determined and I have no doubt will get what she wants in life. Merritt always wants to help, especially in the kitchen and with Spencer. Her giggle always gets me smiling and she's got Daddy wrapped around her finger. She's a great sharer, always willing to split a treat or toy with Parker.

And Spencer--

He's so loving and cuddly. Spencer loves to be held and snuggled and we all love him to bits! He's always smiling and happy and brings such a sweet spirit into our home.

Hopefully I'll get pictures up later this week of our "vacation" this summer. And here's two more pictures of Park and Merr from this summer, one at the start of our trip to Jay's hometown for the 4th of July and the second is an average day of dress-up and silliness.

And don't forget my Flickr pictures (on the right, over there ----->) for other pictures of my little monkeys.


Becky said...

Hey Misty. That little guy Parker looks just like you. They are very precious. Isn't it an interesting experiment to be a mother. I wish that we could hang sometime. Too bad we live many states apart.

blairsblog6 said...

Love that quote! Can I use it on my blog? These pictures are so cute? Didn't I get that hat for Jay? Your blog entrees are so funny. I hope mine can at least be interesting.

Anonymous said...

That picture of Spencer would bring a smile to anyone's face.

blairsblog6 said...

Can I have a copy of this one of Spencer? I'll put him on my blog!