December 3, 2008

Bah Humbug

So here's my Weekend Update, except it's not really the weekend and it's more of a random list from my noggin'.

1. All 3 monkeys are on antibiotics. The older two for no real reason (wack-o doctor) and Spencer for his third ear infection in his right ear. Poor guy.

2. At above doctor's visit, she found a tick in Parker's ear. Well, not really a tick but some other dead bug. A few months ago we'd been at Michael's and he'd started whining and fussing--not new--and slapping his ear--new. Said there was a bug in there scratching. I didn't see anything so I just dribbled some water in there and called it a day. Guess there really was a bug in his ear. So Jay took him to an ENT to get it out with some special thing-a-ma-jig and Parker's so proud of his jar with the dead bug that was in his ear for a month or more. I'm such a good mom!

3. Merritt's potty train still hasn't left the station! I thought I'd try the brilliant idea of throwing a toy in the "trash" every time she peeped (Parker's logical word, since we say pooPed, too) or pooped in her diaper/pull-up/whatever. She has clearly won this war since it became a game for her. Periodically throughout the day she'll casually bring me a toy to put in the "trash" and then continue on her merry way.

4. How come blog surfing (aka finding blogs of random people you knew way, way back linked on other people's blog and you just HAVE to read every single one of their posts to see if their kids are as cute as yours or if they've gained as much weight as you) can literally suck up your whole day? I mean, I'm just innocently clicky clicking and my raving beasts are either gnawing on my limbs or beating each other over a red crayon. Give me my comatose-blog/Internet-addiction time, people!

5. Why must I include my offspring in my yearly Christmas traditions? I'm trying diligently to start and keep a little advent thing going so Parker and Merr will stop thinking that Christmas is about Santa coming and bringing you everything your greedy heart desires. Each night I read a story from an advent book Jessica (my much older sister) made me years ago (skip the song; takes too long), read a story from the basket of Christmas storybooks (put away every January so they don't get sick of the books throughout the year) and then read a scripture and put a piece of our foam nativity scene together. During this time, meant to be warm and loving, kindling true feelings of the Savior in our hearts, Spencer's either fussing or yacking, Merritt and Parker are fighting over who gets to put on the foam piece and who gets to pick the book and who gets to sit on which side of me. Do you realize how peaceful, quiet (alright, and boring and pointless) it would be if my monkeys were put in bed first? It's the season of peace and love for your fellowman, so hug your brother/sister or you're in trouble!

6. Lastly, why must my children put on their best brat personas every year at this time? They know they're supposed to be good for goodness sake, but who cares? Santa comes anyway and I want this and this and this and gimme gimme and waaaa! I wish I had a nickle for every time Parker says "I wish I didn't have such a mean mommy." or "I want a new mommy." Truly warms my heart.

And since my adoring fans are clamoring for a glimpse of my new looks, I'll post a photo just as soon as we get them from the photographer. Taking pictures with your kids, now that's a post for another time. Thank goodness it's only once a year.


J and V said...

Misty, you crack me up. I wish I couldn't relate! Every time I sit down at the computer, Sarah (age 3) won't leave me alone until I let her E-mail all of her friends! Ethan wants to spend all of his time on the NASA website. My kids are already computer junkies! You are an awesome mom! Thanks for sharing.

Sarah said...

Hope everyone is feeling better now. I wonder if Parker still has his trophy bug? :-)

Happy Holiday's!