April 26, 2009

A Pinch To Grow An Inch

Uno turned 6 on the 17th. I really don't think that's accurate. I'm too young and look too good to be the birther of a 6-year old. He was partied out! We had cake on the 11th at my Mom's (after the egg hunt) for him and Spence (1 on the 30th), cupcakes at school on his actual birthday, our crazy little clan that night for dinner AND a friends' party on the 18th. I thought 2 hours of 5 little boys would be plenty but Jay added an extra half-hour here and there and that last 60 minutes sure dragged along. Two little neighbors popped over so the big time-taker had to be sent home. We were scrounging for ways to keep 5 boys entertained without breaking something or staging a wrestling match.

We couldn't decide what to get him as a gift. Jay really wanted a Wii (but that was mainly for himself, I'm sure.) That's way too big a gift for a birthday so I thought that maybe Santa could bring one for our family this Christmas--big enough for everyone. Uno's always bringing home rocks and twigs and digs around in all the nooks and cranies in the house exploring (Note to Self: hide the sexy nighties better) so we went with a science kit and eye magnifier-thingie. Jay was hip on the Eyeclops but I think it takes a big of technique to focus and sit still and Uno's just got too many ants in his pants for that right now. He loves ickiness and has already made fake snot with his kit. Actually, these were perfect choices for him: a few days before his birthday I went to put something under his bed and accidently spilled some experiment he'd created: looked like barf but smelled like salsa with alot of water and string cheese mixed in. Jay got to clean that one up; I was running late for Muffins with Mom at school with Einstein.


Anonymous said...

You have sexy nighties?

Einstein's father

blairsblog6 said...

Grasshopper--never party longer that 90 minutes! Ye shall live and learn little one.

-the wiser sister